Friday 12 November 2010

Astute dream

I had a dream yesterday morning that I got sent to a naval dockyard to inspect the damage to HMS Astute caused by the recent "crash" into the Isle of Skye and the "bump" it had with one of the tugs that was meant to pull it off the sandbank.

I got there and it was out of the water either in a ship lift or a dry dock - I can't quite remember all the details. So in my dream the foreplane and the fin at the back were sheared off and it needed some major repair work before it could go back to sea.

I will add that in real life I haven't been to a dockyard since the accident and the fin at the back is not damaged as far as I know and although they have reported some damage to the starboard foreplane I doubt it has sheared off completely at the hull.

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