Saturday, 18 August 2007

The morphing man!

I just woke up from a very bizarre dream, but already it's fading so I have to write it down quickly.

It was kind of Dr Who themed, but I'm not sure I ever actually saw the Doctor. Unless he was at the start, but that bit has gone now. Now the first bit I remember is being in Gran's front room with Chris. Only it wasn't Chris. It looked like Chris and he was on the same course as me t uni and stuff, but there was something not quite right about him. We were filming for something, I don't remember what. We had a gadget and had to zap something in next-door's front garden with it. It was hand-held and small and shiny. Perhaps it was the sonic screwdriver, I'm not sure. I can't remember what we zapped. So we did that and then it was safe, but somehow using the zappy thing made Chris emotional or something and he kisses me, tongues and all. It was a very nice kiss, but also confusing because while I find Chris attractive I don't think I could bring myself to have any sort of relationship with him other than the good friendship we already have. So I pulled away and he asked why and I said I didn't want to complicate things and that I just wanted to be friends. So then we went into the lounge and I started to introduce him to Gran. But Gran wasn't quite herself. Gran was a much scarier version in my dreams. She thought he was my boyfriend and started asking questions of me to make me doubt him. Things that would have applied to Jeremy. Probably things that people should have asked me when I was going out with him to get these doubts in my head. So Chris walks from behind me and goes to the window and then to sit down on the sofa and I see he has morphed into Jeremy. I suddenly want to get out of there, but also need the toilet. So I go to use the downstairs loo and there's a family party and the people are in Gran's kitchen and conservatory, so I have to struggle to get past them all to the loo. Which has a sliding door. In reality it doesn't have a lock, but you can easily hold it closed while you sit. Although everyone in the family knows that if the door is closed then it's occupied. But in my dream the door slides the other way and has locks on, but they don't work because there's no point in a sliding lock on a sliding door. So I'm sat on the loo and for some reason there's a bath in there too in my dream. Someone tries to get into the loo. I end up not being able to pee because I'm under pressure. I pull up my pants and straighten my dress. It's then I realise I'm wearing a dress and not my usual trousers. So I start to leave the bathroom and end up falling in this bath full of water. So then I get out of there eventually and go looking for Mum to take me home. I'm looking for my coat, but someone sold it and nobody can find it. I find Mum's twin and she implies I'll never get my coat back or find my Mum. Then Jeremy is after me and I'm getting more and more anxious to get out of there before he catches up with me. So I go out onto the yard and there's a few cousins there. Granddad was also around and someone was finding berries for him to eat. In my dream he was back from the dead and looking as good as he did 5 years ago and not how he did when I last saw him.

The next section of the dream is even more bizarre. It's based on the cousins who were outside in the yard. There was something about a bus and also about the ocean and a submarine and I still couldn't find Mum and the kids were on holiday or something. It was all very bizarre and made no sense at all. Not that the rest of the dream did, but I can at least understand the rest of it enough to describe it somewhat. It's possible that Chris was the doctor in the earlier bit of the dream, seeing as he then morphed into Jeremy. I'm not sure. I wish I could remember what/why we were filming ourselves or if there was a TV crew for it. But I can't. All I can remember is the kissing really.