Monday, 16 July 2007

dreaming of family I don't have

This morning I had a rather odd dream. Mostly it seemed to be about family, German and a test/presentation that I was scared of.
At one point I was at Gran's house in the front room, only it was bigger in my dream and laid out how it was about 10-15 years ago and not how it looks now. Only it was now because my cousin Liesel came in singing a German song by WSH and it was one of their new ones. So I asked her if she had the new album and what she made of it compared to the others.
Then a bit later I had a little brother. I would guess he was somewhere between the age of 2 and 5. He could talk when he wanted to, but wasn't all that talkative. He had a small (green?) monkey toy that he loved. I loved him to pieces, but he often pretended to not be interested in me at all. Especially at family gatherings where he would play with other people instead of me.
I had to give a presentation in German about history. I'd chosen some sort of war between Germany and Russia. I'd done a little research and knew what I was going to say and I was reasonably confident. But then the other people who went before me had much more to say about the details of their topic and I had just done an overview of the thing and what led up to it and what the consequences were and I panicked rather and got upset and then I woke up.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Holiday dream

I don't remember much of this dream, but I recall in this dream that I had recently been on holiday to Africa. Only this was much more exciting and thrilling and dangerous than in real life. In my dream the world was flat and Africa was in the middle of this huge ocean. Getting there was really dangerous. I think we flew there (Katie and I), but I'm not sure. We went to Victoria Falls and went white water rafting and flew over the falls in a light aircraft and in my dream I was back in the UK telling people about the holiday. I told Mum and showed her on the map where I had been and what we had done in each place and what order we had done it all in. I also saw lots of old friends from different points in my life, but none of them believed that I had been because it was so dangerous and not like me to go on adventures. Mum decided she was going to do a similar holiday on her own and I tried to persuade her not to because on your own it really would be dangerous.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

4 dreams for the price of one

A night or two ago I had another dream about Doctor Who. We were in Egypt and there were pyramids and mummies and lots of sand and sun and stuff. Only there was this woman and she kept waking the mummies up and they were controlled by aliens or some bad force. She was pregnant, but the Doctor said the baby wasn't human, so he had to try and help her because if she gave birth it would kill her and apart from being possessed she was pretty harmless and the Doctor is a big softy afterall. So he got his sonic screwdriver out and somehow zapped her so that the alien went away. Then she was put away somewhere where she couldn't do any harm and couldn't be harmed. But it wasn't over yet. I'd been right near the Doctor when he zapped the alien inside the woman. Somehow it felt him coming and transferred into me. The Doctor sensed this after a while, but I wouldn't let him zap me. I ran away. I needed to protect my baby. The Doctor's baby. At this point I recalled that I'd had sex with the Doctor at some point prior to the dream beginning. I wasn't going to let him hurt his own baby. He caught me in the middle of a wide empty street with lots of mummies laying in boxes in rows on the ground. We tussled for a bit and ended up having very passionate sex (by the way it was great). He then reached into his pocket for his sonic screwdriver to zap the baby. But somehow or other he got the message. It really was his baby. The alien had tried to take over me but the foetus was stronger and kicked it out already. The reason I was registering as having alien life inside me was because it was the Doctor's baby and not a fully human baby. Then we rewrapped the mummies with the bandages going round in the opposite direction to before so the aliens couldn't come back (for some reason they really hated anti-clockwise things) and then the Doctor grabbed my hand and we started walking back towards the Tardis, which was out of sight somewhere. We never did see it before I woke up.
Aliens: Either being with or dreaming you are an alien, shows you are feeling isolated and alone. This highlights a need to find a way to connect with kindred spirits. Can indicate a fear of the unknown within yourself.
Pregnant: This dream serves as a reminder to work on developing your potential.

Last night in one dream I had lots of wobbly teeth and at least one of them fell out. I think more than one fell out though. But one in particular fell out and I remember looking at it and trying to figure out which way round it should go, so that I could put it back in. For some reason in those dreams I always hope that if I put them back in and stay still for long enough then it will heal and be okay. I'm always surprised when I wake up with all my teeth and none of them wobbly. It always feels so real.
Teeth: Teeth falling out can indicate hopes and fears.

My second dream last night was about me working in an unsafe nuclear power plant. I was in this big room with other women and there were loads of pipes. But the cladding wasn't working properly and the pipes were over-pressurised and the cooling systems weren't working properly. It was heading towards meltdown when I woke up, but I was still trying to do something about it even though I wasn't sure what to do.
Danger: Dreams involving danger are most common during times of stress and anxiety. Consider how you are dealing with the danger in your dream. If you are facing it, your subconscious is telling you to battle on.

Another dream from a few days ago was about my Granddad. I dreamt that he was alive again and in a clothes shop with me and some other family members. I can't remember any other details really.
Family: Dreams of your family can be a reflection of attitudes towards outside relationships. Consider which family member is most prominent in the dream, as this will indicate your subconscious feelings about current relationships in your life.